Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... matthew 28:19

The Vision

Simply stated, our vision is the vision Jesus communicated to his disciples two thousand years ago when He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations…”  We share the good news of God's love towards mankind - demonstrated through Jesus' sacrificial life and death - and make follows of Jesus in the Wenatchee Valley. 

The Mission

We want to share the good news of God's love towards mankind - demonstrated through Jesus' sacrificial life and death - by actively serving our community, caring for one another, and telling others about Jesus!

A = Actively serving our community. Serving is loving and faith is expressed through action.
C = Caring for one another. Caring is praying, encouraging, guiding and mentoring.
T = Telling others about Jesus. Sharing the Good News through testimony, teaching, preaching, inviting, and events.

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