For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
There are many ways you can be apart of our serve team: audio, video, computer, music, greeters, ushers, cleaning, children's ministry, youth ministry, lawn mowing, outreach and more!

Ministry Leaders
Larry Kesterson
Lay Minisiter
Sherry Hedlund
Treasurer, Counting Ministry, Pastor Relations Committee
Tammy Harvey
Children's Ministry
Jeremy Lebow
Ushers, greeters, & counting ministry
Bruce Rogerson
Lawnmoving & Lay Leader
Janet Purinton
The cleaning ministry & snow plowing
Lisa Fioriot & Laura Lebow
Lisa is our worship administrator and leads one of our worship teams. Laura leads our other worship team.
Josh Daily
Don Seabrook
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Every service is tied to a soul. We firmly believe that here at Breath Of Life Church!